More Money, Less Stress

More Money, Less Stress

More Money, Less Stress

There are a number of reasons to call a lawyer after a car accident. For instance, having an experienced lawyer on your side to deal with the insurance company on your behalf allows you to focus on one thing: getting better. In addition, a lawyer fronts all the costs for investigators, experts, and other expenses, so you’re not out of pocket. However, the most important reason to call a lawyer after a car accident is lawyers get you more money.
According to the Insurance Research Council, accident victims with a lawyer get more money for their injury claim than those without. That’s more money for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. More money for your family to recover from the financial strain the accident placed on your shoulders. More money to start a new life once you’ve fully recovered from your injuries. Money can’t solve all your problems, but it is necessary if you and your family are going to come out of this accident with as few physical and financial scars as possible.
At Berg Injury Lawyers, we’ve been helping the injured people of California get the compensation they deserve for more than 30 years, and we’re ready to help you as well. Call our car accident attorneys today for a free consultation. We’ll fight to get you maximum compensation for your injuries.